Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Make Money Blogging - Is It Really Possible?

"How do you make money blogging?" I get that question all the time. The answer is simple: Empower Network. But I want to explain it in more detail to be certain that you are clear.

What is "blogging?"
A "blog" is actually shortened from the words, web log. It started as a place that the originators of the internet posted a log of their activities each day. When blogs started everyone asked the same questions, "How do you make bank blogging?"

Today, blogging is a multi-billion dollar industry that is an accepted part of the news cycle and internet business.

About me for a minute
I make a full-time living from blogging. I get asked every day at least twice a day, "How do you make money blogging?" And it's never just a question; it always sounds like I found a way to walk on the ceiling. Even funnier, is when people say, "I tried that. You can't make a living that way."

Really, well, I am. Lots of it. Enough to be able to take vacations and home-school my children. I am making money from blogging.

So... how do you make money blogging?
Well, there are the extreme cases, like Arianna Huffington, who sold the Huffington Post for millions or Perez Hilton, whose blog about Hollywood made him a star (and wealthy).
There are also those who write blogs for other people. This really doesn't make sense to me. Why would you want to work for someone else? This provides an easy answer to our question, "How do you make money blogging?" Not writing for other people.

For most of us, making money from blogging involves making connections and getting lots of traffic from Internet search engines.

Do this all by yourself - making the connections, getting your blog highly visible by all of the search engines and getting lots of inbound traffic can be very difficult. For many people, it can be a full-time job, with not a lot of pay... for years. Still not the answer to the question, "How do you earn money blogging?"

Join a blogging network - Empower Network is the largest and most effective of these networks. Their blogging platform sets up that blog automatically with search engines and places your blog in a network.

So exactly how do you make money blogging? Well, when people land on your blog, there are advertisements and pay per click ads that can generate money.

The best part of it all is that there really is no ceiling to the amount of money you can make blogging. The more great content you write, the more people will come to your website. Then you're making money from blogging, lots of it.

I don't know about you, but I would rather start making money with my blog today rather than spends months or years trying to get it noticed.

So this Jeopardy answer is: Empower Network
The Jeopardy question is: How do you make money blogging?
Want to learn the essential of marketing online and creating commissions on demand without picking up the phone? => http://goo.gl/jgXN5H

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The Importance Of Good Personal Development Plan

Creating a personal development plan is as important to your success as creating a business plan is to the success of a company.

"Planning is bringing the future into the present
so that you can do something about it now"

- Alan Lakein

Your personal development plan is the roadmap that you are going to use to become the person that you want to be. The key is to take developing a personal plan step-by-step.
Step 1: Decide who you want to be - This isn't just about a career; this is about your life. Do you want a powerful spiritual life? Do you want to be a huge success in your career? Do you want to be a parent? Do you want to retire at 50? Do you want to have a one year vacation every five years? These are the decision you need to make to have a complete personal development plan.

Step 2: Figure your timeline for each of things on your list that you want to do, while you're developing your personal plan. If you are 45, your timeline will be very different than if you are 25. If you want to be a doctor, you will need to get started sooner than some other careers because it takes longer. If you want to start your own dog walking business, you can be working tomorrow. Honest timelines are an important part of your personal development plan.

Your Personal Development Plan on Paper
Step 3 will be where you start developing your personal development plan and putting things on paper. This is also where you will separate needs from wishes and wishes from dreams.

If you have a debilitating fear of commitment, you really will need to address that before you can do anything else. Mainly because you need to commit to this plan.
If you still have issues with your parents that you carry around, you are going to need to handle them. You can't write the chapters of your future until you stop re-reading the chapters of the past.

If you want to own a G-6, that's great but there are a few steps in between. Each step doesn't need to be spelled out while you're developing your personal plan, but it should be implied.

Making Your Personal Development Plan Work
After you have figured out what you want to do, then next step in developing your personal plan is find the resources you need to make it happen.

If you want to be a doctor, but you don't yet have your high school diploma, then you will need to get a GED.

If you want a deep spiritual life, then you will need to explore until you have found the right path for you.

This is a Personal Development Plan, not an 'Already Completed Snapshot.' Don't get discouraged if it seems like there is a lot to do. That's precisely why you are developing your personal plan with a timeline longer than "NOW!"

Find mentors - If your goal is to make money as a blogger, find someone who can show you a method for doing precisely that. (I know someone who is doing precisely that. [Shameless self-promotion alert!]) If your goal is to be a veterinarian, stop by your local animal hospital. You get the idea. Find someone who is already successful at doing what you want to do and make them part of your personal development plan.

A quick note - Your personal development plan contains absolutely nothing unique. I know we all want to be unique and we are, but someone has already done what you are hoping to do. Find them and find out how they did it. You don't make a triangular wheel just to be different.

Find resources - There are literally millions of books, websites and pamphlets that can guide you through your personal development plan. If it is spirituality you seek, you will find billions of resources. Follow your heart as long as you follow your plan. And don't cling to any one resource while you're developing your personal plan. It's personal, after all, so no one source but you is perfect for the job.

Tell everyone - Tell people about your personal development plan. If you keep it secret, it is much easier to slip from the plan. Post it to your Facebook page, your blog or on LinkedIn. Show family members and friends while you are developing your personal plan. In fact, you might inspire others to do the same.

Get someone to hold you to it - A best friend, spouse or work partner should have a copy of your personal development plan. Let them be a part of developing your personal plan. They have permission to nag you incessantly. They can pick on you and call you out in public until you move your plan forward. Knowing that someone is a part of developing your personal plan with will make it that much harder to procrastinate.

Your success is as important to the people around as it is to you. Everyone who understands how the world works wants you to succeed.

I want you to succeed and I believe your personal development plan is a huge part of that.
Your success means that you have more wealth and resources to buy more things, contribute to the economy and raise the quality of life for all of us.

Start today and don't look back.

Stay consistent with your plan.

Want to learn the essential of marketing online and creating commissions on demand without picking up the phone? => http://goo.gl/jgXN5H

Click Here ==> FREE! “Brand *New* System Pays Out $500, $1000, and $3000 Commissions, WITHOUT Picking Up The Phone or Selling Anything!”

Click Here ==> Free Video : Reveals The Quickest Way For Anyone To Go From Zero To Making $10,000 Per Month!

Want To Make Money From Home - Build A Business Blog

A home based business blog is the key to absolute freedom and limitless income.
You read that right: limitless income in slippers.

The key to a successful home based business blog is connections and content. Home blogging can be a long road, but there are short cuts and easy paths.

Home Based Business Blog Connections
The way that a blog makes money is to get lots and lots of traffic. That happens by having a few things done:

• Search engine optimization - Making sure that the search engines can find you is the key to beginning that trail. If you are going to do home blogging, you need to be found right away. Empower Network can set you up with everything you need, all in one motion.

• Inbound links - The key to inbound links is to have people connect to your blog. Each person who connects to you blog lends it even more credence with the search engines. A home business blog needs to rise fast and stay at the top. Again, Empower Network provides these connection instantly. Your team, like Team Take Massive Action, will be full of power-hitters, people's whose success is bona fide and powerful.

• A great design - How you set up your home-based business blog needs to not only be friendly to the search engines, but also needs to be friendly for real people to read. Rather than having to figure this out on your own, use the Empower Network plan to move forward.

Home-Based Business Blog Content
This is where you get to get started on your actual home blogging. The best content for your home-based business blog needs to have several important points.

• Keywords - Keywords are the signal to a search engine that a particular blog is about a particular subject. Your home blogging should be focused around a specific subject. The key is to become an expert in one or two subjects. If your blog is just what's on your mind, then your home-based business blog subject is you.

• Tags - Make sure every blog posting is tagged with tags that relate to the information. When you are home blogging, it is okay to repeat tags, but make sure that the tags relate to pertinent information.

• Categories - Use tags that relate to your content. This is your card catalog to allow people to find your blogs. For your home-based blogging business, you need to make everything easy to search.

You are going to need to dedicate time to your home blogging. Even with the Empower Network, you will need to work hard and keep your head down. Great, consistent is the key to success.

But, wait, where's the money in your home based blog business?
You will need to add pay-per-click ads and other devices to make money from. But, start home blogging and then we can talk about the rest of that later.

By the way, the blog you are reading has been written by a guy making a real great income and I am wearing my slippers.

What are you waiting for...

Want to learn the essential of marketing online and creating commissions on demand without picking up the phone? => http://goo.gl/jgXN5H

Click Here ==> FREE! “Brand *New* System Pays Out $500, $1000, and $3000 Commissions, WITHOUT Picking Up The Phone or Selling Anything!”

Click Here ==> Free Video : Reveals The Quickest Way For Anyone To Go From Zero To Making $10,000 Per Month!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Why Network Marketing Is Perfect For People Who Want To Change Their Lives

Why Network Marketing Is Perfect For People Who Want To Change Their Lives

I'll want to show you why network marketing business may be a perfect solution for you, if what you do at present isn't making you happy, and you truly want a change.

So many people don't truly understand the real value of MLM business. This includes the vast majority of people who are already involved in the business.

Most people are only focused on money. "If I join today, how much will I earn at the end of the month?" They ask.

And no surprise, most people promoting this business only concentrate on telling you how much you'll make on monthly basis.

But both parties miss it...

Using MLM Success Stories to Recruit

Using MLM Success Stories to Recruit

A great tool to use in recruiting is any MLM success stories that you have. Recruiting new members takes skill, patience and time. The right members can add tremendous value to your business, while others may not be very valuable. "Attracting successful prospects to your MLM business" is a blog post that spoke about attracting high level prospects to your business. One of the tools you can share with visitors is success stories. They can be great motivational instruments in getting sign ups to your business.

How can you use MLM success stories in recruiting for your business? These stories are psychological tools that can boost an ego, inspire someone or create a sense of belonging. The three top reasons are vital and there are other reasons. You can experience a new level of success that is powerful and life changing. If you consider reasons why people join clubs and other events, you can use the reasons to create an overwhelming trigger for people to be persuaded by your content. This means taking your articles a little more seriously and focusing on providing help and answers to these problems.

Your MLM success stories can emit secret rays to attract some very unique all-stars to your team. Create an environment that conducts likeminded professionals and you will have an award winning business. What can you do better than your competition? How can you make your success stories relatable to Joe and Jan Appleton? Every MLM business would love to have a Bill Gates but in reality you will have to train Jan and Joe to become like Donald Trump. The stories that you use will play an important role in building a relationship with your prospects.

Surviving the First Year in MLM Business

Surviving the First Year in MLM Business

The first six months in the MLM business may be a bit rocky. You may feel comfortable with the whole setup and have followed the pathway to creating your business. Now you may feel concerned about surviving your first year and then some. For some, they may have had a difficult six months and not sure if they want to proceed. It can get easier as time moves on, however the biggest limitation is ourselves. When we do not push ourselves to the limit, we could be hurting for the success that we should have. This is why it is important to work hard during the first few months to get the right information and skills.

How can I change my business strategy without costing me too much cash? My MLM business is not where it should be and not sure how I can get it there? These two questions are common and it boils down to following the setup plan. You should have prepared yourself in the psychological and physical sense. The MLM business takes a lot of mental energy, not the negative kind either. Most people are haunted by the fact that they have not prepared themselves to move into their first year and beyond. There are MLM pros that have over 20 years experienced how they did it. They prepared themselves to adapt, learn and to pursue business across the field.

5 Tips To Working A Home Based Business Part-Time Effectively

5 Tips To Working A Home Based Business Part-Time Effectively

Part-Time Home Business Owners make up the largest majority of our profession and most people start out part-time. Don't be fooled, though! It is very possible to build a full-time business with part-time effort.

Here are 5 ideas to make the most of a part-time effort:

1. Every Sunday evening or pick an evening works best for you, it doesn't have to be Sunday, and block out your calendar for those time slots that you have available to work your business. Set this time aside specifically for your business and nothing else. You need to be consistent and firm with yourself and make sure you keep yourself accountable for this time you have set for your business. This may mean sacrificing a few things like TV for 4 hours a night, lunch out with the work gang, etc.

2. Make every moment count. Again, focus. If you block out 5 to 10 hours per week, you must make the most of that time. Every moment you spend on your business during these hours is one more step closer to becoming financially free. This time is set aside for very specific goals, this is not the time you spend lost in email; listening to company webinars, opening mail, designing a flyer, etc. This is time that is spent doing one of three things - blogging, marketing content, asking someone new to take a look, or following up with someone who has seen it. That's it

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Multi-Level Marketing Builds a Career

Multi-Level Marketing Builds a Career

Multi-level marketing professionals always start at the bottom of the chain. For those interested in a career that offers a different approach to life, MLM is the way to go. Starting out on the bottom rung, the member has the advantage of learning new techniques and not a lot is expected from them. They are free to discover hidden talents and abilities that can help them. Depending on their individual background, some skills and traits are easily transferred into the MLM industry.

What kind of skills will you need to make a multi-level marketing career a lifelong one? The sense of adventure, strong people skills, administration, creative and enduring spirits and skills are the way to achieve success. Most serious MLM professionals are always looking to improve their skills and acquire new ones to help them further their agenda. MLM can be a great career, with anything that you do in life. The effort that you put into the career, the more rewards will be opened to you.

Multi-level marketing careers are not for everyone, the long hours and the marketing aspects are tough on newbies. These two aspects can break a strong willed person but with patience and a love of business. They can endure through the elements of the business and create a solid footing that will make them into a professional. Does it boil down to cents and dollars? Not really, the commissions are the end game that we use to pay bills and have a lifestyle. It boils down to a numbers game, the way and method that we talk to an amount of people in a given day.